Who we are

Founded in 2015 in Florence, STEPP deals with business development and innovative projects in the following sectors:


We invest time, resources and experience with a final goal: to launch projects on the market, providing organizational, operational and strategic support. We want to connect research and innovation in order to create a virtuous environment that allows innovative ideas to turn into successful projects.


Giuseppe Ciccone

CEO e Founder
Innovative Projects Development

Francesco Orlando

Innovation researcher
Green economy consultant
Adult training

Alfonsina N. Rodriguez

Training methodology developper
Adult training

STEPP - Strategie Servizi e Sviluppo s.r.l. | Via Agnolo Poliziano, 8 - 50129 Firenze (FI) | P.IVA 06578360486

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STEPP - Strategie Servizi e Sviluppo s.r.l.